My boyfriend was in an accident while working,a couple of days later his neck and the back of his head were bothering him.He made the company aware of the problem but they did nothing.(did not send him to see a doctor.)Two and a half weeks later an audio statement was made to the other truck drivers insurance co. The third driver a pickup truck, lied to the police about his own actions. He cut my boyfriend off! There are pitures of the skid marks.Finally he went to the doctor on his own.He questioned the company about who was going to pay the doctor and persription bills. This was a month or so after the accident, they gave him a blank injury report to fill out. He is a driver organizer for the teamsters, I really believe that this has something to do with the way things are going for him. The doctor took him off the road because of dizzyness that he is having. The doctor filed workmans comp.It was refused because the company lied to them about accident involvment and reporting, which was made within 30 days required by state.They sent insurance fraud investigators to talk to him but they have never talked to him or replied to his letters. The doctor says he needs to see a neurologist but zurick refuses to approve it.He has been this way for a long time and I am afraid that if he doesn't start getting some help that whatever is wrong will get worse or they won't be able to fix it.He is in constant pain. He always has a headache. He has had no money coming in for 5 months. This just doesn't seem right to me. I thought if a person had an accident on the job they just got the workmans comp. I know it takes a little time but not this long. It wasn't even his fault.This is putting alot of stress on him and myself. He is not the same as before, he can't even mow the yard and we can not afford to have someone do it. He can't bike with me anymore,we used to do alot of things together that we cannot do now and I am sick of it! You really don't understand how bad these situations are for people until it happens to you. There is a BRC scheduled for the 24th of this month. this is the second one. The first one was for june 12th. He went all the way to Denton and the lawyer was not even there.They told him that it had been rescheduled. No one had even notified him. He tried to contact the lawyer, he has never returned his calls. The lawyer has sent a bill for something during this time, for what? He did talk to someone at the office but it did not help. He has sent a letter informing him that he no longer reqires his services.The union is trying to find him a lawyer in time for the 24th date. I just pray that every will go well so he can get the care he needs and we can get on with our lives. There are some other things, it is a mess. Maybe I can get some advice with the information I have provided. I would be greatly appreciative.