JolieSinner said:
I married a man in November and we got pregnant in December. I found out recently that his divorce is not final. He's in the military. He forged a divorce paper for himself and his first spouse from my divorce papers to my first husband. Is my marriage void or do I have to have an annulment and what do I do to correct the error with the military?
My response:
You'll need to obtain an Annulment. However, because you never mentioned your State name, as was stated in red words at the top of the page as you were typing your post, I can't tell you whether your State has Annulment laws, or if so, what they are in particular.
As far as he is concerned, I think the military takes him up in an F-15 TomCat fighter jet, to about 30,000 feet up, and then ejects him out - - - without a parachute.
In any event, if you don't want to be with this liar any longer, see an attorney in your neck of the woods.
[Edited by I AM ALWAYS LIABLE on 04-06-2001 at 08:43 AM]