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Bipolar mother with visitation order

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Junior Member
What is the name of your state? MI

My sister is bipolar and as is often the case appears to be "normal" whilst on her meds. As a result of her abuse and neglect of her 7 y/o son about 4 years ago, my parents have FULL custody of him. But a judge (go figure) granted her a visitation order last year (on weekends).

She can fool the judge and the social worker (she is good at that), but not the family and we know it's a matter of time before she slides back into chaos. We are worried that the judge may allow her weekdays while my parents will only have weekends. Can my parents INSIST this NOT happen? They do after all have FULL guardianship.

My parents are in their late-60's and are EXHAUSTED. They are doing their best, but are just not well-equiped to raise a child. My other sister and brother-in-law live in Seattle, have the financial and emotional resources to raise him and are willing to adopt. What are the chances of a cross-state transfer of guardianship AGAINST the wishes of a mother who HAS NO CUSTODY?

Should my parents let him go to Seattle "temporarily" what can the mother or the judge who granted the visitation order do against my parents?

Thanks in advance.
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Under the Radar Member
marcumw said:
She can fool the judge and the social worker (she is good at that), but not the family and we know it's a matter of time before she slides back into chaos. We are worried that the judge may allow her weekdays while my parents will only have weekends. Can my parents INSIST this NOT happen? They do after all have FULL guardianship.
Since her rights have not been terminated, a judge could return custody to her. Your parents cannot "insist" that the judge do (or not) anything.

marcumw said:
My parents are in their late-60's and are EXHAUSTED. They are doing their best, but are just not well-equiped to raise a child. My other sister and brother-in-law live in Seattle, have the financial and emotional resources to raise him and are willing to adopt. What are the chances of a cross-state transfer of guardianship??
Difficult to say, but I wouldn't count on it.

marcumw said:
What if my parents just let him go to Seattle "temporarily". What can my sister do legally (she is very tenacious) and what could the judge who granted the visitation order do against my parents?
Bad plan. A judge could strip them of custody, fine them, etc. They would be well advised to discuss any such action with an attorney.

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