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birth certificate info

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does anyone know where i can find information on the guidelines for filling out a birth certificate if the father isnt present, what can be done etc....


in ms i had to go to vital records to get copy of bc because I told them fathers name when i had my son but he wasnt there to sign. The bc i got doesnt have him listed
clf495 said:
in ms i had to go to vital records to get copy of bc because I told them fathers name when i had my son but he wasnt there to sign. The bc i got doesnt have him listed

so if the father isnt there to sign( which i doubt he'll show) the bc will have to be edited later and how bout last name? could the baby have his last name or will that be changed later also?


Senior Member
newmommy20 said:
so if the father isnt there to sign( which i doubt he'll show) the bc will have to be edited later and how bout last name? could the baby have his last name or will that be changed later also?
You are free to give the child whatever last name you choose. However, if I had a dollar for every woman who gave her child the dad's last name when the dad wasn't present to sign the BC and the paternity affidavit...and seriously regretted it later...I would be a rich woman.
sorry if i jumped around

LdiJ said:
You are free to give the child whatever last name you choose. However, if I had a dollar for every woman who gave her child the dad's last name when the dad wasn't present to sign the BC and the paternity affidavit...and seriously regretted it later...I would be a rich woman.

this may sound dumb but regret like personally or legally? my father was an abusive alcoholic who needless to say isnt exactly my favorite person i love him but he has made my life pretty difficult.( i know i started to repeat the cycle but im trying my best to do things dif. from my folks for my babys sake) so its choosing the lesser of 2 evils so to speak. personally having his fathers last name is not a big deal for me. now if it will put me in an awkward position legally or cause any issues ill just request his name be changed to dads when they do the whole support thing. so would that be the best course of action or does it make no legal diff. as far as est. paternity and getting the sup. visits etc...


I don't beleive giving the child the fathers last name will have any affect legally. I know it doesn't here in MI. You can give you kid any name as long as it's not a cuss word.
beth_parr said:
I don't beleive giving the child the fathers last name will have any affect legally. I know it doesn't here in MI. You can give you kid any name as long as it's not a cuss word.

thanx so much for the info...... does anyone else have any more input as far as any affect his name may have?


i was in same boat u r . If you havent had the baby yet, dont worry about getiing bc and what you have to do because most hospitals take care of it BUT if you give baby fathers name, if he doesnt sign bc or acknowledgement, your last name is used which requires all the extra work. In my opinion, i think a child should go by surname of pri**** parent if noncust parent doesnt help support or care for child. thats just my personal opinion. i dont want my son to have the last name of a loser!!lol so my boy uses my last name.


Senior Member
beth_parr said:
I don't beleive giving the child the fathers last name will have any affect legally. I know it doesn't here in MI. You can give you kid any name as long as it's not a cuss word.

there has been someone named sh1thead...pronounced sha-teed, but a written cussword nonetheless :eek:


Senior Member
newmommy20 said:
this may sound dumb but regret like personally or legally? my father was an abusive alcoholic who needless to say isnt exactly my favorite person i love him but he has made my life pretty difficult.( i know i started to repeat the cycle but im trying my best to do things dif. from my folks for my babys sake) so its choosing the lesser of 2 evils so to speak. personally having his fathers last name is not a big deal for me. now if it will put me in an awkward position legally or cause any issues ill just request his name be changed to dads when they do the whole support thing. so would that be the best course of action or does it make no legal diff. as far as est. paternity and getting the sup. visits etc...
Most of the people I am talking about are coming here 6 months or a few years later wanting to how how to change the child's last name to theirs, because dad isn't a part of the child's life....or helping with the child.

Legally, you can give the child any last name that you like.
so to be sure.... my son can have his fathers last name even if he hasnt signed the birth certificate? and giving the baby his fathers last name wont have any affect on me wanting sup. visits? some lady said it would look like i was on good terms at the time and im just being vengful now which is not the case, the child is his so by tradition i dont mind him having the last name.(it helps i dont like my last name... Van Fossen :p)

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