What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Tennesse,U.S.A. Well my husband spent three months in Nashville hospital and while we was there the water company from our county, contacted us and they said that we had a major leak and our water bill was nine hundred dollars,well I called ou neighbor and sent him the key to the house and he went in and found the leak which was the water hose on the washing machine, well he fixed the hse and by the time he found it it had caused Black Mold in the house so we could not live in the house because the mold is in the walls and in the insulation, well I called the insuance company and they sent an adjuster out, well they sent us a letter and said that there is nothing they can do for us, but yet the mortage company still want their payment even thouugh we can not live in the house now. We live in Shelbyville Tennessee, which is Bedford county.