Junior Member
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Oklahoma, I became ill with a medical disorder which was confirmed by testimony from doctors and specialist along with witnesses. The seizure disorder kept me from driving obviously. I was in the hospital alot. I was under constant treatment from my neurologist. I was totally disabled and I did file for disability and the judge did say he would find in my favor. the McClain County DA, knowing this, put my name on a court dockett every week. This was very difficult on me and my family but we did the best we could. What I found out was that over half the time my family would bring me each week I would be told "there is no court". They never would call me and tell me. As the weeks went by it was evident that the da was picking and choosing when to have court. The day came when I was in the hospital and I had called and let them know that I would not be there. Now, I found this out after all this, our judge was on vacation so this was going to be one of those no court day but when the da found out that I had called he went and found another judge and issued a 40,000 warrent for my arrest. YOU TELL ME, IS THAT LAWFUL CONDUCT?