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Boss lied to me

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state is georgia. i took a position with a union office as office manager. left a secure job with benefits for this job because of work that they do for teachers. when hired, i was promised beneifits, 2 weeks vacation, 2 weeks sick pay, all federal holidays and 2 weeks at christmas and spring break off (no waiting period for benefits). salary was 31,500. it was lower than i wanted but i was really interested in job. did not get this in writing, but i have email stating the vacation time i have left. i requested 4 days in feb. because of a family situation. it was approved 3 weeks in advance. i was harrassed by another upper mgt person about being an undependable employee and insulted. boss told me not to worry about it, that she approved it (which i have on email) when i asked about my benefits, was told that my salary was too high and that i would be laid off. everytime i asked about my benefits, i was made to feel unsecure. finally, when i asked what days the offices were closed just for reference, i was told that although i was made a lot of promises, things have changed. i was told that the national rep. did not like me and wanted me fired so he could hire someone he knew. he does not work for the office i work in but is always there and is running it for my boss, because she is afraid of him. last week i was told that i would be getting my benefits, today i was fired for no reason. i have never been warned for being late or called in sick. i complete all assignments and was always told that i was doing a great job. i overheard them talking one day about making me so uncomfortable so that i would quit and i made it know that i heard them. i called the national office to notify the regional director what was going on and he was told that i had to talk with my boss about it. yesterday he told her that i called. do i have any recourse? Georgia is a right to work state, but i was promised that my job was secure til May. she has been previously sued by other employees for the same treatment, but they were union member and they won. what can i do????


I'm a Northern Girl
First of all, you need to get your terminology straight. Right to work means you don't have to join a union in order to get work. It has nothing to do with your situation. What you mean is that Georgia is an employment at will state. So it is, just like every other state except Montana. (Georgia may be a right to work state too; off the top of my head I don't know. But that's not important right now.)

Right now, the most important question is, are you under the union contract? If you're not, do you have a written employment contract of another kind?

Vincent Cosent

Yes most bosses do lie and you can join a union.

I was promised and I was told dont mean nothin.Whats in writing does.


i dont have the promises of benefits in writing. i thought i mentioned that. the only thing i have is evidence in email that i had the 2 weeks vacation paid. also a statement from the person who sugested me for the job who was told the give me the same information. Additionally, i would not have had the fringe benefit of paid vacation from the start if i had not also been offered the benefits. I also left another job with 2 weeks notice, that had benefits and a comparable salary that was secure. i just wanted to do something different. Why would i leave a secure job with benefits to go to one that did not offer them to me or that was not a permanent position. I have a small child and mortgage, i would not do something that stupid or risky. they have also been sued twice before for the same thing. I do not have a contract although i joined the sister union.


I'm a Northern Girl
Sometimes a verbal contract is enforceable but most of the time they're worth the paper they're printed on. You might want to speak with a local attorney to see if the promise of keeping your job till May can be enforced. Don't hold your breath, though.

Vincent Cosent

You joined the sister union!

If you belong to a union thats the first place to start when you have a problem.If they cant help you then why did you join?Also there are short time limits for filing complaints with unions so contact them immediately.


situation now

just found out that without a contract the union cannot help me. Have not received my final paycheck and severance pay. called the former boss and was told that i would not get severance pay. I have her on tape promising me severance pay and my final full pay check which is now 3 days late. what can i do?

Vincent Cosent

Severance and Pay

Recordings made without the knowledge or consent of the other party may be illegal or not admissable in court. If you do not receive your final paycheck you can call your state Dept of Labor and ask for wage and hour division.


I'm a Northern Girl
Severance pay is not required by law. Your final paycheck is another matter, however. Georgia does not, or at least did not when my reference source was printed, have a statute regarding precisely when final pay needed to be released, but that doesn't mean they get to hold it forever. The GA Department of Labor is your resource for this. They'll help you get the final pay, and if the severance can be determined to have been contracted, that too.

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