Couple of questions:
1) Did the account include your 'ex'?? If so, then you are both liable for the account.
2) If his name wasn't on the account, did he have your permission to charge? If no, then consider filing a criminal complaint with the police.
3) If he had your permission to charge, then you need to decide whether this was done as a 'loan' or as a gift. If a gift, your stuck. If a loan, then he is probably liable.
Assuming that the answer to #2 is no, and #3 is 'loan', then yes, you can probably sue your ex-boyfriend.
Next: decide if you want to sue in small claims court or in Superior court.
If Superior Court, you can sue for the full damages, including interest, without a $ limitation. However, you will need an attorney, especially due to the long distance.
If you decide on Small Claims, you will not need to hire an attorney and can represent yourself. Also, the limit is $5,000.00, plus costs.
Something else to consider: since 'Judge Judy' and the other 'TV judges' are full of cases identical to yours, you might contact them. They will send you (and your ex) to their court location and you will get on TV. Looking forward to seeing the program! And if/when you win, you will collect from the program, and not be reliant on your ex to pay your judgment!
Steve Halket
Judgment Recovery of Houston
[email protected]
This is my PERSONAL OPINION and is not legal advice! Consult your local attorney for your specific situation and laws!
[This message has been edited by Halket (edited July 06, 2000).]