ok, this will probably be a bit wordy, but it's the only way i can explain the situation...bare with me. i had found a lower level duplex to rent and was in a bit of a bind(living at a hotel with my 2 small children) and was shown this place that had been recently vacated, and looked at it for a total of less than 5 minutes(my first mistake) and was told i could move in immediately if i wanted to clean and live there until the repairs were done that the previous renters had caused....major holes in living room walls...including a hole in one wall where you could actually see the whole bathtub. a problem that she said was obviously the first priority. well after i signed the lease and paid the security deposit and 1st mon. rent, i walked through the house and realized there were A LOT more problemms that i saw on the surface.....mice,visible electrical wiring,leaking toilet into the basement,broken window(s)tile coming up in bathroom and kithchen(my daughter even fell because of the kitchen)just major structural problems that i hadn't seen until i was in the house. my major question is, can i get my security deposit/1stmon rent back....i have not moved in and do not feel safe, but there is a year lease and do not know what to do. i just feel as though she took advantage of me because she knew i was in a desparate situation. any advice would be greatly appreciated. thank you( i live in the state of indiana)