Really, case closed, that simple huh? I call B.S. on you.
I appear to be unable to post links( I don't see a tab), here is a list of URL's proving you wrong. As we say at the card table, "READ 'EM AND WEEP".
|| Georgia Department of Corrections || - Interstate Compact
New York State Probation Interstate Compact
Indiana Judicial Center > Interstate Compact
Interstate Compact
Note on this one it says:
The Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision is a legal agreement between forty-nine states, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Only Massachusetts is not part of the Compact. The Compact is a device which is federal in nature, with enforceable status under the U. S. Constitution. The Compact was established to allow for travel and relocation to other states and territories, when to do so would improve the employment and social situation of the parolee or probationer, and would further their rehabilitation process.
So, Massachusetts is the ONLY State not part of the compact. You have repeatedly said no State will allow this. Clearly, every State but one does allow this.
Clearly you are wrong, I am right. You should now man up, and retract your statements where you waxed ignorant on a subject outside your knowledge.
Side note: You really should consider showing your peers a greater level of civility than you have been. NOW THE CASE IS CLOSED.