I live In Washington State.Seller also lives in Washington State.I purchased a vehicle online . In the description of the vehicle . The seller was asked if there were any problems with the brakes, transmision, clutch ? The seller claimed there were no mechanical problems. When I went to pickup the vehicle and drive it home ,I was confronted with numerous problems:transmission sounded like a blender with rocks in it. Oil pressure gauge was pegged on zero, And worst of all the brakes would lock up everytime the pedal was depressed, and wouldn't release until the car came to a stop. I didn't get 300 feet from sellers house before I turned around and came back. I told seller I wasn't buying this car! He said I had no choice. I told him that the car did not match the description of the vehicle in the auction. He told me I had to expect these problems. I left car at sellers.It could'nt be driven safely. I told him I wanted my money back. He said" No"! I left without anything. Seller contacted me two days later telling me I had the choice to come pick up vehicle or he would give me back two thirds of my money and keep a third for his trouble. I agreed to this ,feeling I had no choice. And would end up loosing everything if I said no . (car could dissapear or worse). I eventually received the two-thirds . Seller has since sold vehicle. My question is, Can I get the rest of my money, and am I bound by my agreement of only two-thirds? Is this agreement valid since the car was missrepresented ? If someone comes up to you and says" If you give me 500.00 dollars I won't steal a thousand from you", is that considered a binding contract?
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