The fine for a red light camera ticket in California is a $100 base fine, plus various assessments and fees which bring it up to a total fine of approx. $500 (yes, five hundred).
A county near me has a number of judges handling red light camera tickets, and they all will knock $100 off the total fine for those who appear for arraignment. In my own county our judges will not reduce the fine - they say that they cannot, that the violation carries a mandatory minimum.
Is that true? If so, where does it appear, in the law?
The fine for a red light camera ticket in California is a $100 base fine, plus various assessments and fees which bring it up to a total fine of approx. $500 (yes, five hundred).
A county near me has a number of judges handling red light camera tickets, and they all will knock $100 off the total fine for those who appear for arraignment. In my own county our judges will not reduce the fine - they say that they cannot, that the violation carries a mandatory minimum.
Is that true? If so, where does it appear, in the law?