I received a Speeding Ticket (22349(a)) from a CHP in California where I live in early December. He wrote me down for 80 in a 65. I made the statement that I know I should slow down, but can he give me a break. When he came back to the car, with the ticket, he said he wrote me down for 5 less than he observed me, that is, he wrote 80. I suspect he didn't use radar, and was simply trailing me a short distance. It seemed like a very short distance that I saw him in my rear view mirror. I filed an Informal Discovery Request, requesting his notes, and any audio or video recording of the stop. My court date is early March and the amount is $158. I already went to traffic school in the past 18 months, in early '08, and don't have anything on my record. I'd love to resolve this by paying the fine and going to traffic school, if possible. So I'm thinking of fighting the ticket by written declaration, and ask that, should they find me guilty, they reduce the fine and let me go to traffic school. I'm also thinking of motioning to dismiss if after 15 days they don't respond to the Informal Discovery. Please advise. Thanks.