What is the name of your state? Georgia
allegations of soliciting sex to a minor was a official charge brought by the U.S Navy. NCIS agents, Rick Redon and Mike Young interviewed, surveillances, and investigated myself, children, and neighbors. The Navy dropped to a lesser charge of inappropriate language where my husband is guilty of saying, "Are you messing with Chester?" The navy then added two charges, grand theft and false official statement. He was charged with violating Article 134. Negotiating between the prosecution and the defense where my husband signed an agreement that he must not seek legal representation or he will be tried to court-martial for order offenses (pictures of female friends the navy accuse of adultery). Signing the agreement, the Squardong agrees that he gets jailtime no more than 30 days, tried at a summary court, felonies dropped, rate reduction, and 1/2 months pay for two months deducted. Summary court held July 2005. Judgment that he's rank is reduce to E1 which forces him to be process out the military. Currently my husband paperwork has been denied by the Admiral lacking sufficient evidence to support that my husband's rank should be reduce to E1. Numerous occasions, my husband was called in to sign a different agreement that will breech his contract. I believe that he and I are victims of racial discrimination because four non-black sailors have violated other articles (Art. 98, 108, 112a, & 111)of the Military Uniform Code of Justice and remained attached to the squardon without a court-martial, rank or rate reduction. My husband is black and the 2nd black person to be temporary assigned outside the squardon. We will lose our benefits if he was to retire from the U.S navy. My goodwill with my neighbors are destroy because the navy slander my name. Emotionally, my husband has been working two jobs to make up the pay from the Navy and my children do not see my husband. My children were interview and question if my husband or I ever molested them. Recently my neighbors children were not allow to play with my children. I've wrote the the commanding office, Chip Dobson July 20, 2003. They did have an investigation but did not resolve the issues. Til this day, these four white-male continue to be promoted and remain within the squardon. The legal officer, LT Klechner was very unprofessional when dealing with civilians. I've attend both the mass and the summary court to support my husband and there were no witness on the prosecution side. His E-val is promotable after the fact he was charged, he's rec'd an award while on the U.S Washington while he was interrogated.
allegations of soliciting sex to a minor was a official charge brought by the U.S Navy. NCIS agents, Rick Redon and Mike Young interviewed, surveillances, and investigated myself, children, and neighbors. The Navy dropped to a lesser charge of inappropriate language where my husband is guilty of saying, "Are you messing with Chester?" The navy then added two charges, grand theft and false official statement. He was charged with violating Article 134. Negotiating between the prosecution and the defense where my husband signed an agreement that he must not seek legal representation or he will be tried to court-martial for order offenses (pictures of female friends the navy accuse of adultery). Signing the agreement, the Squardong agrees that he gets jailtime no more than 30 days, tried at a summary court, felonies dropped, rate reduction, and 1/2 months pay for two months deducted. Summary court held July 2005. Judgment that he's rank is reduce to E1 which forces him to be process out the military. Currently my husband paperwork has been denied by the Admiral lacking sufficient evidence to support that my husband's rank should be reduce to E1. Numerous occasions, my husband was called in to sign a different agreement that will breech his contract. I believe that he and I are victims of racial discrimination because four non-black sailors have violated other articles (Art. 98, 108, 112a, & 111)of the Military Uniform Code of Justice and remained attached to the squardon without a court-martial, rank or rate reduction. My husband is black and the 2nd black person to be temporary assigned outside the squardon. We will lose our benefits if he was to retire from the U.S navy. My goodwill with my neighbors are destroy because the navy slander my name. Emotionally, my husband has been working two jobs to make up the pay from the Navy and my children do not see my husband. My children were interview and question if my husband or I ever molested them. Recently my neighbors children were not allow to play with my children. I've wrote the the commanding office, Chip Dobson July 20, 2003. They did have an investigation but did not resolve the issues. Til this day, these four white-male continue to be promoted and remain within the squardon. The legal officer, LT Klechner was very unprofessional when dealing with civilians. I've attend both the mass and the summary court to support my husband and there were no witness on the prosecution side. His E-val is promotable after the fact he was charged, he's rec'd an award while on the U.S Washington while he was interrogated.