What is the name of your state? ohio. a friend of mine was going into a store, win a garbage can receptical door came open and hit his knee,it was a windy day. of course the first thing he thought was lawsuite. anyways his knee was sore a little bit and of course he contacted a lawyer. and they said to go to the emergency room , then he was set up with a doctor. the doctor said he wanted to do exploritory surgery which the doctor did do and they just drained some fluid, now he has 4 weeks of rehabilitatin once a week. now he wants paid 4 lost wages but he wasnt even workin at the time of the accident cause he has a pinched nerv in his back, he worked under the table b4 this happened. he hasnt worked in a year and got turned down 4 social security. my question is what r the chances of him getting this company to pay his lost wages also he does have a lawyer on the case. any answeres good or bad would be deeply appreciated thanks 4 ur alls time, sorry 4 jumpin all around this is my first time postin anything any where im new to this stuff