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Anger Questionnaire
Please answer the following questions true or false.
I don’t show my anger about everything that makes me mad, but when I do – look out. T F
I still get angry when I think of the bad things people did to me in the past. T F
Waiting in line, or waiting for other people, really annoys me. T F
I fly off the handle easily. T F
I often find myself having heated arguments with the people who are closest to me T F
I sometimes lie awake at night and think about the things that upset me during the day. T F
When someone says or does something that upsets me, I don’t usually say anything at the time, but later spend a lot of time thinking up cutting replies I could and should have made. T F
I find it very hard to forgive someone who has done me wrong. T F
I get angry with myself when I lost control of my emotions.