What is the name of your state?MINNESOTA
My best friend has an 11 month old daughter, as well as a 6 year old son. Her daughter isn't sick very often, just has the "usual" infant illnesses crop up. However, her son was diagnosed a little over a year ago with epilepsy. He doesn't have seizures very often, but when he does he is unable to go to school, for he is completely physically exhausted the next day and is very difficult to be woken up. If he is brought to school, my friend is called soon by the nurse that she needs to pick up her son because he is asleep at his desk. My friend is a department manager in a large retail chain. She recently had to call in sick three days in a row, she had a bug that was going around and had a 102+ degree fever. She really should have taken more days off than just the 3, but did end up going in to work still sick. On the second day after returning to work, her boss requested to meet with her, and told her she would soon be "written up" and could be put on "probation", with possible termination, if she continues to call in sick. She said it doesn't not matter what the sick day is taken for, whether it is my friend who is ill, or one of her children, regardless of the fact that the son has epilepsy. She said my friend still should have come in even when she was sick. They have recently cut back the hours at this particular store, so mainly those who are there during the day are the department managers, and very few of the entry-level employees. My friend is concerned, not only for her own health, but for the health of the few employees who are at work, getting them sick if she goes in with something such as the 102 degree temp. She is also concerned, because she really doesn't have other options when her son has a seizure other than to stay home with him. She did take 12 weeks of the Family Medical Leave Act when she was on maternity leave early 2004 with her daughter. I feel that irregardless if she is "eligible" for the FML again (we haven't determined yet if her company goes by a fiscal year or calendar year) she should be able to use her sick days when she is sick, and when her son needs to be cared for. I am also furious that after almost 8 years of working at this job with a good record, they claim they would be able to fire her for not coming in when her son has a SEIZURE, for God's sake!! We would like to find out what her options are, if it is legal for them to fire her, and if they do fire her and it is NOT legal, what she can do. Are you able to sue to get your job back, get money for compensation, etc? She is married, but her husband makes more money so it makes more sense for him to stay at work. Also, he is the child's step-father, and her son wants MOM when he is sick, as well she is the one who handles his complicated medication regime. She really does not take "excessive" time off, I would say it comes to one or two days every couple of months, if even. I worked at the same place years ago and so am really furious they are trying to do this to her, she is really just beaten down and doesn't know what her options are. Money would be an issue as well, and it may not be feasible to hire a lawyer if she IS fired. I would appreciate any feedback, if anyone has any clue what the options are here, sorry this is so long but we really are mad!!
My best friend has an 11 month old daughter, as well as a 6 year old son. Her daughter isn't sick very often, just has the "usual" infant illnesses crop up. However, her son was diagnosed a little over a year ago with epilepsy. He doesn't have seizures very often, but when he does he is unable to go to school, for he is completely physically exhausted the next day and is very difficult to be woken up. If he is brought to school, my friend is called soon by the nurse that she needs to pick up her son because he is asleep at his desk. My friend is a department manager in a large retail chain. She recently had to call in sick three days in a row, she had a bug that was going around and had a 102+ degree fever. She really should have taken more days off than just the 3, but did end up going in to work still sick. On the second day after returning to work, her boss requested to meet with her, and told her she would soon be "written up" and could be put on "probation", with possible termination, if she continues to call in sick. She said it doesn't not matter what the sick day is taken for, whether it is my friend who is ill, or one of her children, regardless of the fact that the son has epilepsy. She said my friend still should have come in even when she was sick. They have recently cut back the hours at this particular store, so mainly those who are there during the day are the department managers, and very few of the entry-level employees. My friend is concerned, not only for her own health, but for the health of the few employees who are at work, getting them sick if she goes in with something such as the 102 degree temp. She is also concerned, because she really doesn't have other options when her son has a seizure other than to stay home with him. She did take 12 weeks of the Family Medical Leave Act when she was on maternity leave early 2004 with her daughter. I feel that irregardless if she is "eligible" for the FML again (we haven't determined yet if her company goes by a fiscal year or calendar year) she should be able to use her sick days when she is sick, and when her son needs to be cared for. I am also furious that after almost 8 years of working at this job with a good record, they claim they would be able to fire her for not coming in when her son has a SEIZURE, for God's sake!! We would like to find out what her options are, if it is legal for them to fire her, and if they do fire her and it is NOT legal, what she can do. Are you able to sue to get your job back, get money for compensation, etc? She is married, but her husband makes more money so it makes more sense for him to stay at work. Also, he is the child's step-father, and her son wants MOM when he is sick, as well she is the one who handles his complicated medication regime. She really does not take "excessive" time off, I would say it comes to one or two days every couple of months, if even. I worked at the same place years ago and so am really furious they are trying to do this to her, she is really just beaten down and doesn't know what her options are. Money would be an issue as well, and it may not be feasible to hire a lawyer if she IS fired. I would appreciate any feedback, if anyone has any clue what the options are here, sorry this is so long but we really are mad!!