Diana Smith
I live in Fla. and have rental property. My step daughter rented and didnt pay the payments on the home for 3 months, and finally I had to get a landlord eviction notice process going. She finally moved and destroyed the house. I was awarded money by the court. To this date she hasnt paid. I now have an attorney working on a garnishment of wages. She lives with her mother and has one child. She does receive child support and works also. I have been told by other attorneys I cant garnish her wages since she has a child. Is this correct. She owes Approxmiately 2,000, to me. I am hoping to hear from someone soon. I need to pay my attorney another 100.00 filing fees this week, and still dont know if I will get to garnish her wages. Please reply I am no longer married to my step daughters father. He also owes me money which was issued in my divorce and hasnt paid. I am now on social security disablilty. Thank you,
[Edited by Diana Smith on 03-04-2001 at 10:50 AM]
[Edited by Diana Smith on 03-04-2001 at 10:50 AM]