I was at a party with about 80 people. I had one drink and my buddy and I decided to leave but I got in the drivers seat out of habit. He was going to be my DD. We were also boxed in by cars so their is no way we can go anywhere. Two trucks full of cops roll up and cop comes up to my window asks how old I am (19), what I had to drink, and who my parents were. I blew a 0.02 and was told I could leave. I feel as if I got away to easy and I should be expecting a ticket of some sort. I never gave him my ID. All he knows is my name and parents name, and I was in my vehicle so I guess he could have gotten my tag number. My question is, could I receive a ticket in the mail? He didn't write anything down from what I could tell. Any advice is apprecIated. I live in Mississippi.