Junior Member
I live in the state of Florida. I recently went through a miscarriage at 14 weeks. When the ultrasound had determined that the fetus was deceased for atleast 4 weeks already, the doctor refused to do a D&C and insisted that I pass the fetus on my own. Through out the week I was clotting and bleeding ALOT (but not enough to consider hemorage) and was in alot of pain. I returned to the ER on 5 different occasions for this and begged and pleaded for my doctor to preform a D&C, and he still refused. The day after my next ER visit, I passed the fetus at home, and soon after doing so I was rushed to the ER by ambulance due to massive hemoraging. HE STILL REFUSED TO DO A D&C to remove the rest of the remains and tissue. Keep in mind that this doctor not once, even came to speak to me personally, just spoke to the ER physician. We also recently found out that he is not an OBGYN, just a regular MD. Can we sue him for emotional, and physical stress, or neglagance?
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