Junior Member
CA. I started University in 2011 and was a bad student. I had to repeat classes in order to make up for classes I didn't pass. Around 2014, an adviser in my college was assigned to me to help me ensure I could graduate. She calculated what my GPA was saying that if we moved my 16 grade forgiveness units from non-major to major courses, I would make the minimum major GPA to graduate. I double checked if this was ok and she said that it wasn't normal policy but it was doable. Over time she continually provided me with these calculations. My Dean and major adviser were also CC'd on a few of these emails. Fast forward to 2016, I couldn't graduate because I had 2 classes I didn't pass. The school graciously let me retake the courses elsewhere, stating I needed a B+ and B to graduate. I received a B+ and B-. Since I didn't make the requirements, I couldn't graduate. I then went back to the calculations that my adviser provided me and calculated that my GPA did meet the requirements. However; my school said, the 16 unit grade forgiveness I wanted to apply was invalid since I couldn't apply it to classes I transferred from outside the school, and that I couldn't apply it to a class I took 3 times. These policies were not made aware to me and my adviser continually told me otherwise. Can I sue my University or University adviser for misguiding me for so long? I tried very hard to get that degree.