We paid just under $1000 to have our boat bottom painted. That was in 2000. The paint is supposed to last 1 year. 3 months after it was put back in the water, it started peeling. (We're wondering if it had anything to do with the boat being glued to the trailer because the dealer rushed the job!) We called the dealer who said, bring it in after the summer is over and we'll try again. So, Fall 2000, the boat went back. We returned the boat to the water in early 2001. A couple months after that, it started peeling yet again. Summer 2001 came and we had the boat out for engine work. The dealer had agreed to paint it again but their lift was broken so it was agreed to return Spring 2002. March, 2002- suddenly the dealer wants us to pay for the paint job again and blames the paint. We had the paint manufacturer's rep examine the boat. He determined it was applied incorrectly, from day 1. We approached the dealer with this info. They then changed their story to say, well it was only a 1 year paint and it's now 2 years old and we don't warranty paint jobs. It's going to cost us 3 times what we originally spent to correct the mess the dealer made of our boat. After numerous letters and discussions, the dealer has agreed to refund our money. However, I think we have a good case to collect the dollars that it's going to take to repair our boat. Any thoughts?
We're in Georgia
We're in Georgia