I am 15 years old. I own a domain and pay for the hosting of that domain. A business called "HardwarePub" was made and hosted on my doman. The founder of the webpage was recently kicked from leadership, and I took over. He wanted everything that he made for the website (which was generally only reviews/text documents) so we gave them to him, and they are no longer hosted on our site. Now, he wants us to not use the name "HardwarePub", and says that it is his creation, and that he will sue us if we use it any longer (he is only 16). We changed our name to "The Hardware Pub", to make it more generic, as to not upset him.. but he doesn't want us to use any name with hardware and pub combined. I am under the impression that names and ideas are NOT protected under copyright agreements, so I am partially confused.
My question is, can he sue me and what should I do?
My question is, can he sue me and what should I do?