As to your question "how I know my appointed works for the D.A.s office" As I live in Sierra County were our main judge has just been arrested and released on his own O.R.for crashing his auto drunk and with an open bottle of vodka, I can only say this, when my CAA was appointed he met with me brifley in the hall with one of my witteness,and later @ trial he called no witteness eventhough the list had been filled 1yr before and when I questioned him about them he said he never got a list and when I asked what about the witteness in the hall he stated it "must have slipped his mind". In trial the BAC was introduced with a box tape rapped around it severel times and the lab testified that this was not the way it was supposed to be yet they did the test anyway, my CAA never objected to this nor would he listen to me when I asked him to do so,in fact we have never spoke of my case at anytime as he has never had the time,as this is an intrapment case one would assume that I could show evidense of more than 3 attacks by one police officer and I could present witteness to prove this, So if he is paid by the D.A.s office and has no idea of my story nor the time to call witteness or evidense then I assume he works for them