It sounds as if you have already filed or are planning on filing bankruptcy on all your "old" credit cards & want to know if you can get a "new" credit card after bankruptcy. Some banks will issue a credit card after a bankruptcy - some secured cards & some unsecured. A secured card is backed by a savings/security deposit you make to the bank & an unsecured is not. If you are filing/have filed for bk, you probably do not have the money to make a security deposit for a credit card. The banks that will issue an unsecured card after a bk usually have application & processing fees, high interest rates & sometimes an annual fee. Also, if you would need to use the "emergency card", can you afford to pay off this card?
When a person declares bk, and wants to keep a card (one they already have) - this is sometimes done but it is up to the creditor if they want to allow this.