Sorry I posted here I didn't know where this would fall. Well below is what happened. I did call twice after I bought the car to ask if there was a way I could return it....just had more time to think....that is why they are claiming I have buyers grievence but now I have found out this major flaw in the car...It would be like buying a SS Camaro and finding out later someone just stuck SS badges on it. Please give some advice it you can guys.
this is what I submited to the Better business bureau. ON the vehicle purchase agreement is says in the sales man's writing that it is a SL and it's not. I"ve been told to contact the states att. for fraud...another person said to just file a breach of contract because the car isn't what I bought/wanted even if I wanted to get rid of it. Thanks to anyone who replys
On June 27,2000 I purchased a 1995 Mitsibishi 3000 GT SL from Stephens Automotive Sales. On July 22,2000 I went to Merle Hay Mitsubishi to inquire about trade in value on the car. xxxxxxxxx a sales person, ran the vin # and informed me that is was a base model 3000 GT which was worth substantially less in value than 3000 GT SL. After contacting Stephens Auto Sales they insisted it was a SL model. I then contacted the orginal owner who confermed it was not a 3000 GT SL. I went to Stephens Auto with a witness and was accused of buyers grievance and was told to leave the property. They misrepresented the car that I purchased and I now I don't want the car at all. I didn't want a base model 3000 GT and want a refund from Stephens Auto.
this is what I submited to the Better business bureau. ON the vehicle purchase agreement is says in the sales man's writing that it is a SL and it's not. I"ve been told to contact the states att. for fraud...another person said to just file a breach of contract because the car isn't what I bought/wanted even if I wanted to get rid of it. Thanks to anyone who replys
On June 27,2000 I purchased a 1995 Mitsibishi 3000 GT SL from Stephens Automotive Sales. On July 22,2000 I went to Merle Hay Mitsubishi to inquire about trade in value on the car. xxxxxxxxx a sales person, ran the vin # and informed me that is was a base model 3000 GT which was worth substantially less in value than 3000 GT SL. After contacting Stephens Auto Sales they insisted it was a SL model. I then contacted the orginal owner who confermed it was not a 3000 GT SL. I went to Stephens Auto with a witness and was accused of buyers grievance and was told to leave the property. They misrepresented the car that I purchased and I now I don't want the car at all. I didn't want a base model 3000 GT and want a refund from Stephens Auto.