i am purchasing a 1967 vw beetle convertable from a private party. on the purchase price of $5500, i have paid $3200 and owe $2300. i picked up the car on May 28, 2001, and I have the title to the car - owing $2300. the problem is this. i took the car in to my mechanic for a tune-up. when i picked up the car, the mechanic told me that the car needs a new pan, is terribly rusted,is missing all support "tubing" a convertable car needs, and will cost me about the amount that i paid for the car to fix. the mechanic referred me to a body shop, who advised me to take the seller to court and force them to take the car back. the sellers want to fix the "problem" at the welder of their choice for approximately $400-$500 and will take $500 off the price of the car.