A little education on cats & Dogs and fertilizer is needed here.
Cat and dog feces and urine on your lawn and garden is like putting down pure 100% pure nitrogen fertilizer. In this instance, it is too much and will burn your lawn and garden plants. Most fertilizers are bagged with the ingrediants listed as a percent of the contents. The bags should indicate and some don't, just how much by weight to use, based on the square footage of your garden or lawn. The recommended application of pure nitrogen fertilizer is 3.5 lbs. per 1000 square feet over the season. For a 250 square area, the application would be 3.5/1000 = .0035 times 250 = 0.88 lbs. You must not put it all down in one application but spread it out over at least 4 applications.
But the fertilizer most people buy is not pure nitrogen. So one has to multiply the weight of a new bag by the percentage listed on nitrogen content and this give you the nitrogen content. With this information, you can determine how much fertilizer by weight to use to provide the the needs of the lawn for 4 applications totaling 0.88 lbs per season based on a 250 square foot area.
So people who like to maintain a great looking lawn want to keep animals off it as much as possible. In my neighborhood cats are a much bigger problem and I plan to set a trap.
The offending owner was delivered a letter advising them of the damage being caused her cat and I have seen this cat a few times using my lawn. The owner still has not taken the hint to keep the cat harnessed or kept indoors.
It is also not the healthist attitude to take about cat and dog remains because their mess attracts flies and would you know where that fly (thats on your food) was before you ate it.