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ch7 bk

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Junior Member
What is the name of your state?What is the name of your state?MA

I was out of work for 2 years and now have a pretty massive debt, ~ 50k unsecured, I did get a job and have recently started a position for 60K/yr. Now i'm not sure what to do, all these bills are in collections. A couple are CC w/10K balances on them. Should I try to settle with them for 1, 20 , 30% ? should I claim a chapter 7 or do I make too much now? Should I pay my discover down enough to borrow against it some more to pay anopther creditor or will large payment set off some flags and have every creditor I ever owed knocking on my door? i own a car worth about 6k payed off. Nothing else, no kids..... i could scrape together a few grand and try to make one of these companys an offer... not sure what to do here ....


Senior Member
For those sort of dollars, someone will sue sooner rather than later.
BK is not just about your income and debt levels, it's also about your living expenses . You live in a state with a high cost of living so $60K won't make much of a dent.
Were I you, I'd see a lawyer and get all of my options explained. Most bk lawyers will give a free initial consultation.
Here's an expense calculator to see what sort of disposable income you have:



Junior Member
ty bigun

I did go to a lawyer, he acted like I had no right to be there. I have been trying to figure out a budget that will show a negative or less then $125 expendible. I'm concerned that my ch7 will be denied and I'll be an indentured servent, ch13, for the next 3-5 years.

what about paying off my Discover and then borrowing that money right back? That CC is the last one I have kept afloat and this way i would be making payment and then cash advancing to payoff the debt collectors. Do they, debt collectors, take CC?


Senior Member
What sort of disposable income are you showing? Were I you, I'd get another opinion.
I'd be careful about depending on cash advances. The interest rate will be high and nothing says Discover won't cut your credit limit once they've been paid.


Junior Member

rent 540
food 330
st loan 277
oil ch 20
tire rotate 20
gasoline/tolls/maint. 325
postage 7.75
elec 40
cable 55
entertainment 70
auto ins 80
cell phone 50
laundry/dry clean 45
gym 10
tolls 60
clothes & shoes 50
grooming 20
gifts 40
health ins 150
cigrettes 150
dental 40
vehicle registration 7.5
excise tax 20

after all this I have about $750 expendible
It sounds like a lot but not enough to make a dent on 50k of CC debt ......


Senior Member
Yeah, that's way too damn much disposable income. Your best bet may well be a chapter 13 if you can't settle this stuff.


Junior Member
ok ch13 then, questions?? BIGUN

So I file for ch 13, how much do they take, 100% of my expendible income? For 3 years, or 5 years ?


Senior Member
They'll take all of your disposable income to fund a plan. It's my understanding that if you can't pay 100% of the unsecured creditors with 36 months, you will be in a 60 month payback at some percentage-likely less than 100%.
Another thought would be to rent a more expensive apt. Say, $1000/$1200 a month and wait as long as possible to file. {before bk reform}. I assume you've include applicable payroll taxes in your expenses.


Junior Member
rent increase

I could increase the rent and then what, get a ch7 a few months later? I live w/GF right now, I assume we would have to split the rent 50% ea., or she could leave me and move out and I would have to pay the entire rent ....

How quickly can the judgement and garnishing process take? Can they garnish my wages ? Is there anyway to hide from that?


Senior Member
No way of telling about lawsuits. They can't garnish until they sue and win.
Seriously, I'd see another couple of lawyers. You'll need a pad of your own with the resulting expenses like utilities to get your disposable income to the level needed for a Chapter 7.

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