What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? New Hampshire
A few years ago I received a ticket for not wearing my seat belt and possession of a very small amount of cannabis in the state of New Jersey. Recently when I contacted New Hampshire DMV I was told that I had to clear my record in NJ before I could do anything about obtaining my NH driver license. My problem is that I lost all my paperwork from NJ and have no idea who to contact in NJ about what fines or other punishments I need to clear up. I tried to call NJ DMV and courts but got nothing but a lot of runaround. Can anybody suggest something that might help?
A few years ago I received a ticket for not wearing my seat belt and possession of a very small amount of cannabis in the state of New Jersey. Recently when I contacted New Hampshire DMV I was told that I had to clear my record in NJ before I could do anything about obtaining my NH driver license. My problem is that I lost all my paperwork from NJ and have no idea who to contact in NJ about what fines or other punishments I need to clear up. I tried to call NJ DMV and courts but got nothing but a lot of runaround. Can anybody suggest something that might help?