mono county california....Approximately a year ago my mother gave my daughter to her paternal grandparents as they agreed to take care of her for a short time so that I could get back on my feet. This was agreed by all that it would only be for a short time and I could have her back at any time. When I was capable of taking proper care of her, I was denied my daughter. I tried to see her in January and they called the police, the police told me that custody is 9 tenths of the law and that I would need to go to court. Unfortunately, this was a weekend and since they reside in Shasta County, California and I reside in Mono County, California and I was unable to stay longer than that weekend I could not go to court at that time. What can I do to get my daughter back? Is it possible for me to handle things from the court here where I live or do I have to travel to Shasta County court?