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child labor laws in Tennessee

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Junior Member
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Tennessee
I am 17 years old and was fired from my job due to my employer finding out I was pregnant. I only worked with this employer for 3 weeks and once my employer was informed I was pregnant everything changed. First of all, I was not offered a break after working 9 hours and 45 minutes on a Sunday night and I am still in school (I graduate this year). During the 3 weeks I was employed, I was given a break maybe on 3 occasions. I was also held over on school nights to after 11 P.M. intentionally when another employee could have stayed but it was insisted that I was to stay. Secondly, I was told to lift heavy and awkward things that I was obviously struggling with and when another male employee offered to lift it for me they were told to go ahead and clock out and leave. I did not complete this task and was reprimanded for it and was told that I did not do the job that I was hired for- lifting heavy chairs has nothing to do with waiting tables so I could not understand why I was told I was not doing my job. Finally, I came to work and always arrived on-time after working for 3 hours the night manager came in - when I asked about the new schedule (which was suppose to already be posted) I was told that I wasn't on the schedule. When I asked why I wasn't on the schedule I was told " You cannot do the job being pregnant". I asked "so you are firing me because I am pregnant" the response I received was "yes, I cannot worry about you having to take leave and you cannot do the job." I have had no problem doing the "job". I am only 10 weeks pregnant and have had no problem with completing my job. I was told to come in the next day for my pay (this was to be my hourly pay plus credit card tips I had received from customers) and when I arrived the next day I was told it was being held until all my uniforms were turned in. I had the uniforms with me and did turn them in yet I was told that it was up to the terminating manager to make sure all the uniforms supplied were turned in. I feel that I have been very discriminated against not too mention harassed by my employer:confused:

Just Blue

Senior Member
02-17-2011, 08:43 PM
Junior Member Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 4



What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Tennessee. I have custody of my son and my ex-wife pays child support. She received a very large settlement last year (4-6 million) and does not even offer to extend a little more help with our child. Can I have the child support raised since she has a considerably higher income now? Not to mention since the divorce, my income has decreased due to company downsizing. I had to take a large pay cut to keep a job of almost 30 years with the same company. Thanks in advance for any help with this.What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)?

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Just Blue

Senior Member
12-02-2010, 07:35 AM
Junior Member Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 4

Exposure caused cancer and death


What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Tennessee
Just a inquiry************** My father worked as a Printing Pressman since the late 1950's until he retired in the late 1980's. During his employment he had had some health issues; such as melanomas (which skins/moles were removed), then he had bladder problems (large bladder stones), to finally he developed Lymphoma and very quickly passed. All along I thought that the exposure to the ink/chemicals was causing his falling health and my mother said it was just age (he was in his early 50's). His death was sudden and very hard to deal with. He was diagnosed one day and a week later we were burying him. The cancer specialist was astonished to how fast the cancer took over his body and said something had to had progressed this since they had never seen such a cancer goes through ones body so quickly. Obviously, he had to have had it for sometime unknowingly. He died in 1993 and I urged my mother to pursue the cause to his cancer but she simply thought it was age (he was 56). For years now I have wondered but respected my mother wishes to rule it out as "age". Now 17 years later my mother tells me "your fathers death was caused by his exposure to the chemicals" and for years she denied this wanting to believe that it was by natural causes. I guess in her mind easier to cope with. So now I have done some research and found that, indeed, chemical/ink exposure has caused cancer in pressman workers and the specific type of ink/chemicals used were noted for causing lymphoma. Do we have any recourse 17 years later or has this hit statue of limitations?What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)?

Just Blue

Senior Member
#1 07-17-2010, 10:24 PM
Junior Member Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 4

Shared Well.... Need Help!!


What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Tennessee
I am currently on a shared well with a total of 5 homes; 2 permanent residents and 3 nightly rentals. The well is on my property and the shared well agreement was in place prior to my purchase.
Here is the issue: About 7 months ago we started having water pressure problems. So everyone on the well checked for leaks at their home. No leaks were found at the residents.

One home owner stated they thought the "leak" was at one of the nightly rentals that was just hooked back up to the well after new owners purchased it (dont know why it was ever disconnected). The new owner took responsibility and tried to find the leak- dug up all their water lines leading to their home and also leading to the well- no leaks were found. After not finding the leaks and getting a lot of harassment from one particular home owner- the new owners "threw in the towel" and dug their own well. All this went on for well over 3 months. Meanwhile water pressure is getting worse and worse.

The well has it's own electric meter and prior to my purchase this was in one of the other home owners name (although it is on my property) I suggested to put it in my name since it was on my property, however, they wanted to keep control since they knew what was done with it. I did not argue and kept it in their name.

As far as I knew all homes is well agreement had water just low pressure and from what I was told it was being taken care of. Another month in a half went by and still no pressure. Now I find out that one the permanent home owners had no water and was running a hose to the neighbor to get water for their home (this is the same owner in which the electric for the pump in is their name). Our water pressure was getting worse and worse. Everytime we would try to talk about a resolution; the blame kept going back to the new home owners and no one wanted to solve the problems. Meanwhile, we have little water pressure barely enough to shower.

Now, a few more weeks go by and I find out the the owner who had the electric in his name had turned off the well pump and pad locked it and left for out of town for a month. So obviously now we have NO water.

I called the owner who shut the well pump off and asked if him if indeed he did shut it off. He responded with "yes I did because it would burn up the pump and I didnt want to pay a high electric bill" (this electric bill is a shared cost) and also he stated he had water from the neighbors. My next step was to call the sheriff to file an incident report only because I didn't know what was going to happen next and I felt i needed a paper trail.

Next I contacted a lawyer to read my well agreement and let me know of my rights. The lawyer told me to do what ever I had to do to get water from the well without shutting the lines off to the other homes.

I, again, spoke with the owner who turned off the pump and told him we need to come to some solution to correct this problem. He stated he had no money to do anything and we would have to wait til he returned in a month. Meanwhile, no water. So I called the other owner and spoke with him and wanted to wait til everyone could meet and come to a solution. Meanwhile, no water!! We live here permanently and they only rent out their homes- we had to have water to live and they really didn't feel the issue was too pressing.

So I installed a turn off valve so only I would get water and I installed a small submersible pump to only supply my home, however, this will no way supply the other homes and travel up a mountain to get to them. The original pump that was in the well was already burnt up and was going to have to be replaced. This was going to cost around $4000 not including finding the supposed leak to prevent this pump from being burnt up. I know for a fact the leak if there was one was not at my home.

Now that everyone has taken their vacations and have lost money due to not being able to rent their home for no water they want to solve the problem. Meanwhile, my family and I have suffered through having no water in the home. We've had to buy bottled water, use laundry mat, shower at a camp ground, eat out more, and been really inconvenienced with the whole thing. The way we looked at it- we talked to all involved trying to resolve this issue and we got no where so we consulted an attorney who advised us to do what we had to do to get water so we did and now almost 7 months later they want to fix the problems however, we waited until just a week ago to put another pump in.

What rights do we have??? The other owners feel that we should all have pay to have another pump placed to supply all and our contract states that if a resolution is not taken within 60 days all will have to dig their own well.
Anyone have any thought on this???
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Tennessee
I am 17 years old and was fired from my job due to my employer finding out I was pregnant. I only worked with this employer for 3 weeks and once my employer was informed I was pregnant everything changed. First of all, I was not offered a break after working 9 hours and 45 minutes on a Sunday night and I am still in school (I graduate this year). During the 3 weeks I was employed, I was given a break maybe on 3 occasions. I was also held over on school nights to after 11 P.M. intentionally when another employee could have stayed but it was insisted that I was to stay. Secondly, I was told to lift heavy and awkward things that I was obviously struggling with and when another male employee offered to lift it for me they were told to go ahead and clock out and leave. I did not complete this task and was reprimanded for it and was told that I did not do the job that I was hired for- lifting heavy chairs has nothing to do with waiting tables so I could not understand why I was told I was not doing my job. Finally, I came to work and always arrived on-time after working for 3 hours the night manager came in - when I asked about the new schedule (which was suppose to already be posted) I was told that I wasn't on the schedule. When I asked why I wasn't on the schedule I was told " You cannot do the job being pregnant". I asked "so you are firing me because I am pregnant" the response I received was "yes, I cannot worry about you having to take leave and you cannot do the job." I have had no problem doing the "job". I am only 10 weeks pregnant and have had no problem with completing my job. I was told to come in the next day for my pay (this was to be my hourly pay plus credit card tips I had received from customers) and when I arrived the next day I was told it was being held until all my uniforms were turned in. I had the uniforms with me and did turn them in yet I was told that it was up to the terminating manager to make sure all the uniforms supplied were turned in. I feel that I have been very discriminated against not too mention harassed by my employer:confused:
Call your state DOL and file a complaint ~ cost to you ZERO -- you can ask for your job back too


Senior Member
And your state DOL, which we just recently got one---but anyhow, they'll tell you to whistle for it. You have no appeal about the rights which were violated during your brief stay with this employer. Tennessee does have some regulations about how late a young person still in high school is allowed to work on the night before a school day, but there are very few teeth in this law. You can report it, they will investigate it, it will not affect your situation.
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