abandndmomof3 said:
Illinois-My husband has just walked out on me and 3 children. I have no job because we had both agreed before we had our children that I would stay at home. Now I'm left with these children no job and no money. According to an attorey I spoke with I can't get support until I file and then 30 days later we can get a court date for it. But that's 2 to 3 months from the day I file. Is there a way for me to get money from my husband legally, withouit having to file for divoce.
My response:
The presumption is that you've discussed this circumstance with your attorney, and if that's the case, why hasn't the attorney suggested the Welfare System ? Your situation is one of the many types of "instant poverty" for which that system was created.
First comes food, housing and clothing; then comes filing for a divorce. Please apply for these, and any other form of benefits for which you may qualify. They will help you with this, and all other benefits available, at your local Welfare office.
Please make sure that your attorney helps you with the "Pauper" paperwork so that the court fees will be waived.
Good luck to you.