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Child Support and Tax

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Junior Member
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Arizona
Just looking for some help. My girlfriend has a five year old son and has been divorced for a little over 2 years. She made the major mistake of just letting the ex-husband do whatever during the divorce, even though it was his fault for getting the divorce. She has the majority custody, the ex-husband has the child every other weekend and every tuesday, so approx. 104 days a year. At the time, she claims she made approx. 10,000 more per year and this is why he pays no child support. In addition to her not recieving any child support, he also gets to claim the child every other year on his Taxes. She makes approx. 20,000 more per year now, but shouldn't she at least be getting some child support, at the very least have the ability to claim him on her taxes every year. Thanks in advance for anyone's help. I just know too many guys out there that struggle to pay massive amounts of child support that weren't even near the salary range of their wife.

Just Blue

Senior Member
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Arizona
Just looking for some help. My girlfriend has a five year old son and has been divorced for a little over 2 years. She made the major mistake of just letting the ex-husband do whatever during the divorce, even though it was his fault for getting the divorce. She has the majority custody, the ex-husband has the child every other weekend and every tuesday, so approx. 104 days a year. At the time, she claims she made approx. 10,000 more per year and this is why he pays no child support. In addition to her not recieving any child support, he also gets to claim the child every other year on his Taxes. She makes approx. 20,000 more per year now, but shouldn't she at least be getting some child support, at the very least have the ability to claim him on her taxes every year. Thanks in advance for anyone's help. I just know too many guys out there that struggle to pay massive amounts of child support that weren't even near the salary range of their wife.

If your girlfriend is concerned about this matter, please have her join under her own user name. We really don't like to deal with 3rd parties.



Senior Member
its very common and standard for parents to alternate the child for tax purposes.

As far as child support goes, moms agreement with dad is kinda not your issue. If mom has a problem with it, she could revisit it as child support is not something that is permanently ordered, it can be reviewed. BUT-you need to realize that moms agreement with her ex has nothing to do with you, and attempting to rock the boat may have larger long reaching consequences, especially for the child, than you imagine.


Junior Member
I guess you guys could be correct. If I read you correctly, just leave the situation. however, the child is who suffers in this situation. If it weren't for guys like me that come into kids lives and provide for them unlike thier deadbeat fathers, then I guess we need to build more jails for these kids because under their father's parenting thats' where they would end up. No wonder single moms have no chance in hell as they are alway's plauged by thier ex-husbands inability to provide or keep family as their number one priority.


Senior Member
He can't be a deadbeat for not paying child support if he's not ORDERED to pay support. None of this is any of your business. You are simply the dude sleeping with this woman. If this was that much of an issue for HER, then she would have done something about it a long time ago.

You get no where calling this man names, especially here and especially since you have absolutely no dog in this fight, and therefore, no opinion on the matter. At. All. And quite frankly, if she knew you were on here speaking negatively about half the DNA of HER children and allows it without kicking you to the curb, then there's something wrong with her as well. He's such the deadbeat, but that woman you're sleeping with chose him... so what's that say about HER?


If she is concerned about the amt of child support that she is not getting then all she needs to do is fill out the child support worksheet. It clearly states that sometimes the CP will have to pay the NCP child support based on your incomes. The worksheet will also figure out who claims the child. Plug the numbers in and maybe you can sleep better at night. The whole point of child support is to make sure the child has equal opportunities at both homes after the divorce/separation and not to pad one parents pocket.

Then click on child support calculator.


Junior Member
Visitation and Taxes Question and Comment

I guess you guys could be correct. If I read you correctly, just leave the situation. however, the child is who suffers in this situation. If it weren't for guys like me that come into kids lives and provide for them unlike thier deadbeat fathers, then I guess we need to build more jails for these kids because under their father's parenting thats' where they would end up. No wonder single moms have no chance in hell as they are alway's plauged by thier ex-husbands inability to provide or keep family as their number one priority.
Could'nt have said it better! My husband works 7 days a wk and gets upset about his lack of rights while my ex is a loser-29 yr old criminal living at home with his mom, doesn't work nor ever plan to, just commits crimes and is an unfit parent...

So if my ex got visitation by the court-then could he claim him on his taxes? I sure hope not because my husband is going to every yr since he never mentioned it in court thank God, didn't even think of it


Queen Bee
Could'nt have said it better! My husband works 7 days a wk and gets upset about his lack of rights while my ex is a loser-29 yr old criminal living at home with his mom, doesn't work nor ever plan to, just commits crimes and is an unfit parent...

So if my ex got visitation by the court-then could he claim him on his taxes? I sure hope not because my husband is going to every yr since he never mentioned it in court thank God, didn't even think of it
And you are the one of low character who willingly spread her legs for the loser. QUIT POSTING!


Senior Member
While I agree with what everyone else is saying, it is a bit unusual for him to not be paying child support, because there doesn't appear to be a high income disparity and he is clearly the non-custodial parent. Usually there has to be quite a high income disparity for that kind of situation to happen.

Its also unusual for someone to be allowed to take the tax exemption every other year when they are clearly the non-custodial parent AND are not paying any child support.

So even though the OP has no dog in this show, intellectually the question is worth answering, for the sake of other people who may read the thread.

If its important to mom, she could certainly file to modify either child support or the tax exemption, and would either receive child support or the exemption every year.


Queen Bee
While I agree with what everyone else is saying, it is a bit unusual for him to not be paying child support, because there doesn't appear to be a high income disparity and he is clearly the non-custodial parent. Usually there has to be quite a high income disparity for that kind of situation to happen.

Its also unusual for someone to be allowed to take the tax exemption every other year when they are clearly the non-custodial parent AND are not paying any child support.

So even though the OP has no dog in this show, intellectually the question is worth answering, for the sake of other people who may read the thread.

If its important to mom, she could certainly file to modify either child support or the tax exemption, and would either receive child support or the exemption every year.
The problem is MOM has not asked for child support and there is none ordered. MOm should have asked for child support and got a child order for such.


Senior Member
if mom feels that there is a material change in the childs current circumstances that warrants the need for the non-custodial parent to pay child support, then mom needs to file for child support modification. I highly doubt the order to change alternation of claiming the child will change. There is really no change in circumstance that warrant that.

As far as you financially supporting a child that is not yours, that is your choice. No one is holding a gun to your head to support the child. Your doing it to keep your gf happy.


Junior Member
And you are the one of low character who willingly spread her legs for the loser. QUIT POSTING!
You need to back off. I am not of low character, this forum apparently praises a deadbeat dad. What happened is said and done with-we had a kid. I should not have to deal with this harassment from him and his mother to my family and him not pay however either. Things need to be fair and equal.


Senior Member
You need to back off. I am not of low character, this forum apparently praises a deadbeat dad. What happened is said and done with-we had a kid. I should not have to deal with this harassment from him and his mother to my family and him not pay however either. Things need to be fair and equal.
I think it's low character to call the person who shares half the DNA with Your (plural) child a deadbeat.

You did not "just have a kid," when you had the baby, you entered into a parenting agreement with dad for life... you are having a hard time on this forum because you seem to be unwilling to accept that your child has a father, and it ain't your glowing fresh new hubby nor anyone else.

Things DO need to be fair and equal... for both parents... that's why the LAWS are there - to protect dad against THE GOLDEN UTERUS (which is what you think you have).

Get over yourself.


Senior Member
You need to back off. I am not of low character, this forum apparently praises a deadbeat dad. What happened is said and done with-we had a kid. I should not have to deal with this harassment from him and his mother to my family and him not pay however either. Things need to be fair and equal.
This poster has no sense of decorum. In addition to being totally insane, she quadruple posts and hijacks other people's thread.

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