Just to let the both of you know, I did not insult him, merely asked a question. If, for some reason, I was not able to keep custody of my child, I would pay child support whether it was ordered or not, first of all, because my child deserves a good life, second of all, because it's the right thing to do. but that's just me. However to clifford coy. This happened with my parents and in several other cases I know. My father refused to pay child support until it was ordered. He was not ordered to pay back support, but, because he left my Mother in a position where she could not financially afford to support me and my brother, without even offering to pay anything, he ended up losing visitation. Neither my brother or I saw him again until after we were adults. In other cases I have seen, the person who did not pay child support before it was ordered ended up paying more than they would have.(e.g. if someone had paid $200 a month before support was ordered, they would probably be able to continue paying the $200. but, someone else didn't pay anthing before it was ordered, and ends up paying $300 a month) I have seen cases where this has happened. It just looks better on you when you go to court if you're already paying(even if all you can afford is $50 a month)