You locked your other thread; no one can respond.
Please google 'UIFSA' - Uniform Interstate Family Support Act.
That Act governs all interstate child support matters throughout all the states.
It's unclear, from your post, whether
1. you (or anyone is) are still in Colorado
2. whether the Fla court had jurisdiction over you or proceeded on incorrect info (were you served; did you participate; what state's law was used; do you continue to live in Fla ?
3. Where do y'all live now (mom, kids, dad).
4. Didn't you get any of his retirement pay as community property ? It would have been in the form of a QDRO (Qualified Domestic Relations Order). Did you have an attorney for your Divorce ?
5. Hasn't there been a Wage Assignment sent to his retirement system (OPM)to deduct the child support directly from his pay ? Check the web site of Office of Personnel Management for information on disability retirements.
The cheapest way to proceed is to go the Child Support Enforcement Agency in your area (you can find this on the internet) and register the current order for enforcement (it's free, or nominal cost). You have to bring in all your prior orders.