What is the name of your state?Calif.
Short summary.
My husband has 50/50 physical custody and legal custody. He pays child support based on him having the higher income. He pays full medical/dental insurance through work for both children (9/16 yrs old.). Parents are to pay 50/50 for co-payments, perscriptions, and other expenses not covered.
Both parents have to show good-faith in maintaining full employment. The divorce was 7 years ago, and no modifications have been done since then.
Now, mother is seeking modification (which is okay, we know she had that right). The Problem. She has been unemployed for about 1 year, had a new baby recently from (uninvolved man) and is collecting every welfare benefit the state says she's entitled to (cash, foodstamps, medicare, etc.). Plus she's collecting child support from the father of her baby. We found all this out through DCSS contacting us stating that since she is now collecting welfare benefits from the state, my husband's wafes are garnished. He is not in an arrearages...never have been. He pays $550 a month. Our attorney states that based on his current income and what she's capable of earning, the increase would be $700. She had quit the last 3 jobs she's had within 1 year, found out the state will give her freebies and is taking advantage of these freebies. When DCSS contacted us, my husband demanded to know what exactly she was getting and it is the following: $600 cash, $600 foodstamps, medical insurance for 3 children, free daycare if she works, etc) and $250 from the 2nd father.
Anyway, we just got her income/declaration today and we question some of the entries.
She claims that she has no income. Doesn't include any welfare benefits, the support she received for her 3rd child, or 401K Plan $40,000 as an asset.
As far as expenses, we are puzzled about some of the monthly expenses listed. $600 daycare, Renter's insurance $50.00, groceries $500. Medical/Dental expenses $150, Eating out $200. Gifts/Entertainent $300. Clothing, $300, All her expenses totaled $3400.
**$600 daycare (she doesn't work, where is this number coming from??) the kids don't go to any babysitter or daycare when they are in her care.
**$50.00 Renter's ins. (she lives in subsized government housing)
**$500 Groceries (she's collecting food stamps, what's up with this)
**$150.00 Medical/dental (she hasn't taken the kids to any doctor/dentist in over 2 years, claims she can't afford the co-payment/deductible. My husband has paid for these items 100% and she has refused to reimburse him 50%.
**$200/$300 Eating Out/Entertainment (where's this money coming from)
**$300 Clothing (if she is buying clothes, then that's a new one to us).
Kids claim she doesn't buy clothes and tells them to ask their dad, he's supposed to provide clothing not her.
Anyhow, I'm sure you all have got the picture clearly here. Question is,
Doesn't some of these expenses have to be proven with receipts and such??
Daycare, renter's insurance...Will judges look at her income and expenses and realize that these $$ are inflated on her part. How can she get $3400 in expenses with no income listed. She's not listing child support from 2 sources and the $$/benefits she's receiving from the state.
Anyone with any answers. She's been quiet for 7 years up until the birth of her 3rd child. Now all of a sudden she requests a modification...
Short summary.
My husband has 50/50 physical custody and legal custody. He pays child support based on him having the higher income. He pays full medical/dental insurance through work for both children (9/16 yrs old.). Parents are to pay 50/50 for co-payments, perscriptions, and other expenses not covered.
Both parents have to show good-faith in maintaining full employment. The divorce was 7 years ago, and no modifications have been done since then.
Now, mother is seeking modification (which is okay, we know she had that right). The Problem. She has been unemployed for about 1 year, had a new baby recently from (uninvolved man) and is collecting every welfare benefit the state says she's entitled to (cash, foodstamps, medicare, etc.). Plus she's collecting child support from the father of her baby. We found all this out through DCSS contacting us stating that since she is now collecting welfare benefits from the state, my husband's wafes are garnished. He is not in an arrearages...never have been. He pays $550 a month. Our attorney states that based on his current income and what she's capable of earning, the increase would be $700. She had quit the last 3 jobs she's had within 1 year, found out the state will give her freebies and is taking advantage of these freebies. When DCSS contacted us, my husband demanded to know what exactly she was getting and it is the following: $600 cash, $600 foodstamps, medical insurance for 3 children, free daycare if she works, etc) and $250 from the 2nd father.
Anyway, we just got her income/declaration today and we question some of the entries.
She claims that she has no income. Doesn't include any welfare benefits, the support she received for her 3rd child, or 401K Plan $40,000 as an asset.
As far as expenses, we are puzzled about some of the monthly expenses listed. $600 daycare, Renter's insurance $50.00, groceries $500. Medical/Dental expenses $150, Eating out $200. Gifts/Entertainent $300. Clothing, $300, All her expenses totaled $3400.
**$600 daycare (she doesn't work, where is this number coming from??) the kids don't go to any babysitter or daycare when they are in her care.
**$50.00 Renter's ins. (she lives in subsized government housing)
**$500 Groceries (she's collecting food stamps, what's up with this)
**$150.00 Medical/dental (she hasn't taken the kids to any doctor/dentist in over 2 years, claims she can't afford the co-payment/deductible. My husband has paid for these items 100% and she has refused to reimburse him 50%.
**$200/$300 Eating Out/Entertainment (where's this money coming from)
**$300 Clothing (if she is buying clothes, then that's a new one to us).
Kids claim she doesn't buy clothes and tells them to ask their dad, he's supposed to provide clothing not her.
Anyhow, I'm sure you all have got the picture clearly here. Question is,
Doesn't some of these expenses have to be proven with receipts and such??
Daycare, renter's insurance...Will judges look at her income and expenses and realize that these $$ are inflated on her part. How can she get $3400 in expenses with no income listed. She's not listing child support from 2 sources and the $$/benefits she's receiving from the state.
Anyone with any answers. She's been quiet for 7 years up until the birth of her 3rd child. Now all of a sudden she requests a modification...