Don' judge me
First, yes you were being rude, without knowing anything about me or how I came to be in the situation that I am in....I am not trying to fight the support order, only to modify it based on my current income. I have supported my son for 16 years, not only by order, but with anything he needed. There was a time when I was in the position to do that, but after having been displaced after 9/11, and moving back to this state in order to take care of an ailing parent, spending three years temping and various other positions, I have finally had to settle for a position that pays significantly less than I was making before. I fell behind during the time I was not working, My payments have now restarted, but at the rate it was when I was in New York, plus my order to pay the arrears. The first time I went to court was for the arrears. All that I've explained to you I was not able to explain to anyone else. At that time I filed for modification. I just want to be able to reach in my pocket and hand my son something whne he asks me for it! I hate saying "I don't have it." Although I know every woman should have the support, his mother is in a better position than I, and has just bought a new Mercedes and she always seems to tell him she doesn't have it to give him. She gets him what he needs, I know, but I like to give him the extra to play with. Right now I'm working and bringing home nothing and with a sick mother to help. So please don't judge me!!! Also please don't mistake this response for a whine. Just thought you should know, regardless of what you or anyone you know has been through, there are those of us(men) who are doing our best and getting a bad rap form those who don't.