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child support question - PLEASE HELP

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Junior Member
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? TN

Stepson is supposed to be graduating this year but he has failed the same grade twice and looks like he will fail this time also. He is currently in 10th grade. His 18th birthday is Dec 22 of this year. The Divorce Decree says this about child support:

It is hereby ageed......(important part): for the support an maintenance of the parties' minor child, commencing with the first payday following entery of this order and continuing bi-weekly thereafter until the child reaches the age of 18 years or graduates from high school with his regular class, whichever occurs last or until further orders of the Court, subject to the review and approval of the Court.

So, since he WONT be graduating with his regular class does that mean support terminates at 18?

He has already had a job but got fired for not showing up for a week but he is capable of getting a job. I dont know what he plans on doing about school. I am just trying to determine when support stops.

Thanks in advance!


Senior Member
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? TN

Stepson is supposed to be graduating this year but he has failed the same grade twice and looks like he will fail this time also. He is currently in 10th grade. His 18th birthday is Dec 22 of this year. The Divorce Decree says this about child support:

It is hereby ageed......(important part): for the support an maintenance of the parties' minor child, commencing with the first payday following entery of this order and continuing bi-weekly thereafter until the child reaches the age of 18 years or graduates from high school with his regular class, whichever occurs last or until further orders of the Court, subject to the review and approval of the Court.

So, since he WONT be graduating with his regular class does that mean support terminates at 18?

He has already had a job but got fired for not showing up for a week but he is capable of getting a job. I dont know what he plans on doing about school. I am just trying to determine when support stops.

Thanks in advance!
Why would you think that?

It clearly states, whichever comes LAST.

Please don't start multiple threads. Just stick with one for CS, one for Custody.

And DO read the "Sticky for Newbies" at the top of the "Custody" forum -- your lack of prep there has doubtless influenced the lack of answers to your posts.


Senior Member
i would also like to ask when was this court order established. was the child behind those two grades at the time or did he fail these grades after the order was established?


Senior Member
Maybe it says in the previous thread, Is.


What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Tennessee

My husband has a lazy, thinks he knows it all, refuses to go to school or do homework son. Mom is a druggie, deadbeet with 4 other kids living off the govt (us taxpayers). Unfortunately, we did not even know this child was my husband's until the kid was 8 and by then he was already jaded and used to living like mom....off the govt with no work.

We just have a technical question. PLEASE HELP!!!

We currently have legal custody of my stepson BUT he didnt want to go back to the school in our district because he had failed, the kids hate him and the teachers hate him (course NONE of this is his fault at all). Anyway, he wanted to go live with his mom in a different area so he could go to the school in her district. Well its a good 45 minutes ONE WAY to that school so they ONLY way he could go there is if he lived with her. There is no way me or hubby could get him to and from school without us being late to work every single day. Since we have legal custody and we were nice and did not ask for ANY child support from her (mistake) we have been every couple of weeks taking him cash and making him sign a receipt for it showing he got it. Anyway, my question is this:

He is supposed to be graduating this year but he is still a 10th grader and unless his high school socially passes him, he will be a 10th grader again. His 18th birthday is Dec 22 of this year. My husbands Divorce Decree says this about child support(this is the original decree when she had customdy of him and when we got custody we put nothing in our order about her paying any child support so this is really all I have to go on):

It is hereby ageed...blah blah blah...important part: for the support an maintenance of the parties' minor child, commencing with the first payday following entery of this order and continuing bi-weekly thereafter until the child reaches the age of 18 years or graduates from high school with his regular class, whichever occurs last or until further orders of the Court, subject to the review and approval of the Court.

So, since he WONT be graduating with his regular class does that mean support can terminate at 18? since he has been living with her, we have not been paying her child support but paying him some cash. The reason we havent been paying support is because it was HIS decision to go to that school and his mom agreed and we have the custody documents. there was period of 14 months when he lived with us and SHE had legal custody and we didnt pay her any child support. They made us go back and pay her support for that time even though we were completely supporting him. The court told us whoever has legal custoday is what the court follows. Now she is trying to get back child support and it looks like the court is going to make us pay it. How is that fair? I just want this kid out of my life and so does my husband. He needs to see that the screw ups he has made has led him to the life he is about to lead. Me and my husband are both educated people with good jobs. His mom does drugs, drinks, parties, has 4 other kids, is hardly ever home and just doesnt care what the kids do. the only reason we let him go back to go to this other school is because kids were threatening him daily at the school in our distrcit. We thought if he went there, maybe he would straignten up but its the same thing, over and over again. No matter where we go, what we do, he refuses to listen or do anythin other than what he wants to do. while living with us, every privlidge he had ended up being taken away. that was another reason he wanted to go back to mom's house. He said we were too hard on him and we expected him to do homework, clean his room, keep his messes up, dont make messes in the first place, etc. I am just ready to let this almost 18 year old see the light and be free of financial responsibility for him!

What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? TN


Senior Member
wow, lady. i didn't get past the 2nd paragraph. does your husband know you are writing about his son like this? and for pete's sake, no wonder the poor kid thinks everyone hates him. you aren't a bottle of sunshine and smiles around him.

ugh..i forgot the homework part again!! :eek:

okay, i read this twice. are you freaking serious lady??
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I think you all need some counseling. This poor kid has been put in the middle of your problems and that's not his fault. That's why he's acting out. Did you ever think that he may have a learning disabilty or something, perhaps he's seriously depressed. Maybe you should concentrate on helping this young man instead of complaining about the money. And if you have questions about the order, ask the authorities. Please, get yourselves some help. And it isn't the boy's fault that his mom has problems. Did you ever tell him that????!!!??

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