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Child Support Question

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Junior Member
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Ohio

I divorced in 2009. My ex husband and I decided we would be responsible and ended our marriage amicably. We have shared custody of our son and I am the residential parent for school purposes and I have him for 1 week and weekends in the summer. Our agreement was that we would BOTH support our son, in other words if our son needed something we would both go in together to purchase it, this also included food for the month, clothing, shoes, school supplies, basically we agreed that we were going to be GOOD parents and work for the good of our son, setting aside the petty personal crap we saw friends of ours go through when they divorced.

Well, flash forward 2 years....I ended up having to go on public assistance because I had no career the entire time we were married (my fault), he informed me that he lost his job and the state was covering our son with health insurance. He then found another job and informed the state that he would be covering our son with insurance, I asked him to help with our son and he told me he couldn't, he didn't have enough money and that when he had him on the weekends and for 5 weeks during summer that he was taking care of his part of the responsibility for our son.

So now, I went downtown to child support and filed. He has recently informed me that he was informed that he will not have to pay child support.

Here's my question, obviously this man has changed, is it true that I will never be able to obtain assistance for my son from him? Does him having our son less than 25% of the year mean that he is doing his part as a parent? I have a really hard time believing all of this. I am going to be off of public assistance in less than 2 months, due to my diligence in creating my own business so that I can work from home and be with my son....Can he really get away without having to help me put food on the table monthly for our son? He also stated that an attorney told him to NOT give me any help/support because there is no court order in effect forcing him to pay for our son, could that be true, would an attorney really tell someone to NOT help their child financially? Maybe I'm just living in a fantasy world but, I never thought that someone would tell a parent to not support their child until a court orders it.

Please help, I feel deeply misguided. I cannot afford an attorney so I am going through the state to get child support from him, I filled out all of the forms and am awaiting their response.


Senior Member
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Ohio

I divorced in 2009. My ex husband and I decided we would be responsible and ended our marriage amicably. We have shared custody of our son and I am the residential parent for school purposes and I have him for 1 week and weekends in the summer. Our agreement was that we would BOTH support our son, in other words if our son needed something we would both go in together to purchase it, this also included food for the month, clothing, shoes, school supplies, basically we agreed that we were going to be GOOD parents and work for the good of our son, setting aside the petty personal crap we saw friends of ours go through when they divorced.

Well, flash forward 2 years....I ended up having to go on public assistance because I had no career the entire time we were married (my fault), he informed me that he lost his job and the state was covering our son with health insurance. He then found another job and informed the state that he would be covering our son with insurance, I asked him to help with our son and he told me he couldn't, he didn't have enough money and that when he had him on the weekends and for 5 weeks during summer that he was taking care of his part of the responsibility for our son.

So now, I went downtown to child support and filed. He has recently informed me that he was informed that he will not have to pay child support.

Here's my question, obviously this man has changed, is it true that I will never be able to obtain assistance for my son from him? Does him having our son less than 25% of the year mean that he is doing his part as a parent? I have a really hard time believing all of this. I am going to be off of public assistance in less than 2 months, due to my diligence in creating my own business so that I can work from home and be with my son....Can he really get away without having to help me put food on the table monthly for our son? He also stated that an attorney told him to NOT give me any help/support because there is no court order in effect forcing him to pay for our son, could that be true, would an attorney really tell someone to NOT help their child financially? Maybe I'm just living in a fantasy world but, I never thought that someone would tell a parent to not support their child until a court orders it.

Please help, I feel deeply misguided. I cannot afford an attorney so I am going through the state to get child support from him, I filled out all of the forms and am awaiting their response.

His attorney is right - without a court or administrative order for support, he's not obliged to send anything at the moment.

That's likely going to change though...whether he likes it or not.

At the very least he'll be reimbursing the State.

You did the right thing by filing.

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