Let me tell you something Lacie, When I met my husband, his son from their first marriage was 3 years old, he also had 2 daughters ages 4 and 7 from the same marriage. I have been dealing with an EX wife, and the court systems for 16 years now. I know a control problem when I see one. I also know 2 things. When there is a divorce, no matter how amicable it is, there is always the urge for each parent to feel as though they want more control over their children than they are allowed. I'm not a shrink, but I think that among many other things, it has to do with winning, being able to inflict your will over someone else. And kids are a passionate issue that can get people very worked up. Read the posts on here, they are mostly from emotionally charged individuals who are fighting, not only for their kids (or what they think is right for their kids) but for their own selves. They have been hurt through the divorce, and they are trying to make that emotional recovery. The other thing I know is that some of them never make that emotional recovery. Those are the EX's that are posting on here some 10, 12, or 14 years after the divorce that they can't make their EX do exactly what they want, when they want, how they want.
This woman is in the beginning of that period. Either she will get over it and realize that the person who she thought was of good enough character to have a child with will also do what they think is best for that child, in his own way, or she will spend the next 16-19 years battling with him over which socks the kid should have on when she comes home or whether or not he is to pay half of the $5 for the kid to go to the movies. In the grand scope of things, you have to let the little stuff go...as was told to me by someone on one of these boards when our situation was still "young" you have to pick and choose your battles wisely.
Now, on the other hand, <I>I actually answered this woman's questions: </I> No, the father can't be FORCED to take the child to day care during HIS visitation. No, he can't be MADE to give her her own room and her own bed during visits, just to give her an APPROPRIATE place to sleep. Money is always an issue. Once the NCP pays their child support, they often don't have the means to provide things for the child during the visitation that they would like. I also pointed out to her, as I told you, that she is trying to control things she cannot control. I didn't tell her that to hurt her feelings or make her feel badly, but rather to point out as a third party that she is going a little overboard here, and she needs to back off and re-evaluate the situation. After all, she didn't mention having support troubles, and the father WANTS to see his daughter, the other stuff is small pototoes once you get down to it...But, I didn't notice <i>you</i> answering her questions at all...did you help her in some way, rushing to her defense?
Bottom line, Lacie, I call 'em as I see 'em. I share my experience from years of dealing with this stuff, and I come here for help, just like everyone else. If you don't care for my posts, don't read them. They are clearly marked with my name. I am willing to help anyone I can through the difficulty of dealing with EX's and kids, and courts, and schools and lawyers, and I've been posting on this board and several others for several years now...I call a spade a spade, and I'm sure I won't stop doing that. I'm sure you can appreciate that.
Good Luck!
[Edited by morning_angel on 06-08-2001 at 06:38 AM]