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Today, 01:10 PM
Junior Member Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 8
And yay for me!
Junior Member Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 8
That's how you feel about the threats, which were not made to you.I admitted he has made mistakes. As I stated he did NOT commit a violent crime. Yes the threats were wrong I understand that. I still am stunned that he got 2.5 years in prison over threats. When he turned himself in it was thought he would spend maybe a year in county. He lawyer even felt the same.
That's how you feel about juvie offenders.He was never a convicted felon until this. Once again as I STATED he had never been in jail or prison before this. The things that happened when he was a teen landed him in juvenile.
As an unmarried person, the court stuff is the only option he had/has.That is your opinion. He tried and tried to get her to let him be in the childs life, to be tested, etc. Yes there were things he should have done court wise.
Sure it does.Hindsight doesn't help at this point.
That's how he's presented it to you.SHE and her FAMILY manipulated the situation.
You find it funny? I think that's odd.I find it funny how when a woman gets screwed everyone is there to help.
You can't make that definitive, illogical statement. Well, you can, but it's patently untrue and makes you look silly.If it is a man he doesn't get that help and is labeled a looser.
Everyone has the right to think as they please.Her family seems to think fathers are disposiable.
So the man you're trying to help should've known that and acted accordingly.Had her first sons family not fought tooth and nail that father would have never gotten rights for his son.
He didn't know it was his child. There was nothing to "go off the deep end" for, at that time. Not now, either.As a woman if someone kept your child from you don't you think you may go off the deep end, especially if you had mental issues to start?
Yay for you, too.Well yay for you miss saint. I have never had anything but parking tickets either.
And yay for me!
If that's how you feel.I am the only one he has that will stand up and fight for him so I am. Not everyone has had an easy life. While I don't say that as a total excuse I feel it can contribute to later issues in life. I don't condone everything he has done. He turned himself in and wanted to make things right. Yet everyone seems to think that counts for nothing. He could have never done that, lived elsewere and just not even tried to deal with it.
He actually is thinking of going to school to be a lawyer. I called the Ohio Bar Association and they said while it would be harder a felony is not an automatic denial. He made irational descions because he was kept from his assumed child. That doesn't mean he is an overall idiot or looser. He is going to have a hard life from the descions he has made. Everyone in his life knows this. All we can do is try to help him in the best way possible.
At that I am done and closing the thread. I don't have the patience or the desire to go back and forth. All I had hoped for was someone willing to give a helpful opinion or direct me in the right direction. The main thing I have gotten is mean spirited comments and made to feel I should never have asked. If nothing else I can tell him I tried.