sixstar said:
I was thinking of basing it on slander/defamation grounds. I dont know what laws would apply to this situation.
The first requirement under any defamation action is publication.
Since there was no publication here, you will have to think of something else.
Also, since you did not answer my question about damages, I will assume you have none.
And, by the way, you have no case for anything else either.
Standard answer on expired SOL and/or validation and/or dispute letters. There are thousands of posts similar to yours on this forum so I have prepared a standard answer.
Validation letter samples you can get at :
Disputes: You can write a letter of dispute to the three credit reporting agencies.
Go this website to find instructions and samples for how to dispute:
Sometimes errors are easy to remove and sometimes they stick like glue. It is inexpensive to try and not difficult.
I am NOT a creditor-debtor lawyer; stand by for further help.
I am NOT vouching for the accuracy of these websites!