Hi - I am writing from Michigan.
I loaned 2 friends some money over a year ago. They were both roommates at the time, and they have since moved out. I am taking them both to small claims to try and get the money they both owe me.
We did not have a written "contract", just verbal agreement that they would pay me back. Now we are on bad terms, they are saying I gave them they money, I didn't loan them the money so I felt the only way I would see my money is to take them to small claims. The only proof I have is cancelled checks that I had written to them. My question is, "What are my chances of winning the judgement?" "What else may I need besides the cancelled checks?" One of the defendants lives out of State, if by chance he wins, can he sue me for his airfare and loss of work days?
We have a court date for October 18th, 2000. Any advice/help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
I loaned 2 friends some money over a year ago. They were both roommates at the time, and they have since moved out. I am taking them both to small claims to try and get the money they both owe me.
We did not have a written "contract", just verbal agreement that they would pay me back. Now we are on bad terms, they are saying I gave them they money, I didn't loan them the money so I felt the only way I would see my money is to take them to small claims. The only proof I have is cancelled checks that I had written to them. My question is, "What are my chances of winning the judgement?" "What else may I need besides the cancelled checks?" One of the defendants lives out of State, if by chance he wins, can he sue me for his airfare and loss of work days?
We have a court date for October 18th, 2000. Any advice/help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.