I purchased a car in 1999 and it was reposessed in jan 2000...
I just received a District Court issued civil judgment notice...balance due $8200 ??
Is there a statute of limitations on this debt ?
Yep. A judgment rendered by a Maryland court has a SOL of 12 years.
i rent and do not own any property except my furniture...can they seize my belongings?
They can seize any non-exempt assets that you own. Maryland exemptions from judgment seizure are:
Homestead: None. However, property held as tenancy by the entirety exempt against debt of only one spouse.
Pensions and Retirement Benefits: ERISA-qualified plans. Funds exempt for state employees, teachers and deceased Baltimore police officers. IRA exemptions for conventional, Roth, SEP and SIMPLE plans. Limited to tax-deductible contributions for non-Roth IRAs.
Insurance: Life insurance or annuity proceeds if beneficiary is insured's spouse, child or dependent. Medical benefits deducted from wages. Disability or health benefits. Fraternal society benefits.
Personal Property: Appliances, furnishings, household goods, books, pets and clothing up to $500. Burial place. Recovery for lost future earnings.
Tools of Trade: Clothing, books, tools, instruments and appliances necessary for any trade or profession, and not for sale, lease or barter, up to $2,500. Excludes car.
Miscellaneous: Business partnership property.
Public Benefits: Unemployment compensation. Workers' compensation. AFDC. Crime victim's compensation. General assistance.
Wages: In Caroline, Kent, Queen Anne's and Worcester counties, the greater of 75% of earned but unpaid wages or 30% of the federal minimum wage; elsewhere, the greater of $145 or 75% of wages. All withheld medical insurance payments also exempt.
Wild Card: $3,000 of any property.