My brother (Bob) was dating (Anna). Bob needed a vehicle so they decided to lease a new truck. Bob didn't have the credit so Anna cosigned the lease to get the truck. At first it was cheaper for Anna to get the insurance on the truck. As things would have it Bob and Anna broke up. Now Anna wants out of the lease. She took the truck and brought it back to her house "until Bob got his own insurance." They tossed around ideas of selling the truck. They decided to leave every thing the way it was supposed to be set up; Bob making the payments and getting his own ins. He did that. About a month later Anna took the truck again (without Bob knowing) and says she is going to sell the truck and take Bob to court to pay the difference. Since Bob is keeping up with his part of the lease contract can Anna as a co-leasee do this and successfully take Bob to court to pay the difference? Also just by being a co-leasee can Anna keep taking the truck whenever she wants without Bob knowing? Is this harrasment? Bob has paid everything for the truck and has paid her back for the ins she paid the first two months. Sorry the long story. This took place in South Dakota
[Edited by ptorgey on 01-19-2001 at 03:17 PM]
[Edited by ptorgey on 01-19-2001 at 03:17 PM]