my wife left me a year or more ago. while she was gone she hired a lawyer to get papers out on me for seperation and property settlement. she later changed her mind and came back home and droped all legal papers. her lawyer had charged her $650.00 to take her case and my wife never was able to pay him. I did not pay him because it is not my debt. the lawyer got papers out on her for a judgement and now they want to execute the judgement and papers was sent out by the sherrifs office to list anything that is not to be picked up for sale to satisfy the judgement. everything here is in mine and her name together she has nothing solely here in her name. What can the courts take if anything. everything I have is paid for. I just feel this is not my debt and I should not be libel for it. My wife is disable and on social security. She has a mental problen and is not able to work. the social security check is not being sent to her because of her mental ability.
[Edited by JObrabb1 on 05-03-2001 at 02:58 PM]
[Edited by JObrabb1 on 05-03-2001 at 02:58 PM]