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College funding and being billed from school with no contract to pay school

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What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Michigan

In 2011 I attended colleg and was awarded Title 4 Financial aid. The cost of tuition was $2460, The cost of books was $590.09. The school received $2718 in Fed loans and $1850 in a pell grant. The school refunded an excess amount to me of $3994. They also returned $2477 to the department of education because I had an early withdrawl. They are now wanting me to pay $2005 to the school. I beleive that the school was supposed to inform me that I was to return a certain % of my refund to the lender but instead paid it themselves and are now billing me for it. my loan contract is not with the school. I dont think I owe them.

To clarify, the school has been paid in full by my loans and grants with the department of education. The money they returned to the department of education was AFTER all fees and tuition was paid in full.
They are billing me the $2005 out of the excess refund I received. However according to title 4 funding laws I think if I owe anything I owe it back to the department of education and not the school.
The school has in essence taken my contract with the department of education right out from under me without authorization to do so and is now billing me.


Also don't fall for the colleges telling you anything about 12/12 credit splits or having to obtain the credits you attempted or withdraw grades arnt figured into the numbers and don't count towards attendance or that grant $ received by the school isn't actual cash they receive so it doesn't count. I have heard a ton of various false claims in the past few weeks while trying to figure this out. The colleges will lie their butts off! They think you wont look further into it.

The ONLY authority that has any control or regulations over your title 4 funding is the department of education and the laws pertaining to those funds!

I got a lawyer and I'm filing a suit ASAP.


Senior Member
Nice to see you can afford a lawyer, but need government money to attend school. If you have a lawyer, follow their advise. We don't need to comment on your situation.

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