I reside in Texas. I attended the University of Colorado at Denver and Boulder. I was in ROTC there, but I decided that they wanted me to drive too much b/c I was driving about 300 miles a week between the two schools and the second semester they wanted me to come up there three or four more times a week. I just couldn't do it. When I came home to Texas for Christmas break, I called and informed the ROTC at Boulder that I would not be returning for the next semester. I then got online, requested transcripts, withdrew from classes (at Denver campus), and printed out a copy of my unofficial transcript. I enrolled at the local college of Lamar and attended the semester there. About May, I get a bill in the mail from UCD saying that I owe them $14,000 for the semester that I just attended. First, I heard of it. They say that I didn't withdraw.. so I talked to ROTC, who is responsible for my school there b/c of the scholarship, they said they wouldn't pay b/c I withdrew. After much arguing with UCD and even proof that I was attending Lamar and such, they still want me to pay them and are witholding my official transript. Is there anything that I can do?