I live in New York.I live in a residential area in a small town . My neighbor opened a commercial business in a residential area.The business has large trucks coming and going out of the neighborhood My neighbors and I started complaining about 3 years ago. After some research we found out from the town officials in order to open a business in a residential area the person opening the business needs a variance, file papers, letters to be sent to all neighbors in a 500 ft radius.This has not been done.Fed up we starting writing letters to the town.The town officials sent me a copy of a letter sent to the business to stop the illegal business at once and follow the proper procedures. That was about 6 months ago. Business is still there not only are they still there they are now building and extending their office space and a new building has been put up. We informed the town and nothing has been done. When this business first opened the town issued building permits to renovate their garage into an office.Now I'm sure that the town has issued more building permits. We are just getting the run around. What can we do about the business?Can any legal action be taken by the residents in the area against the town? Other tax payers have to follow the rules. Please advise.